Friday, June 29, 2018




This Tutorial was written for those that have a working knowledge of PSP.
Please do not copy it in anyway or claim its as your own.
Any resemblance to any other tut is purely coincidental.
This Tutorial was written on June 29Th,2018
The tutorial was written and Created by Chiqui

For This Tutorial I used PSP X2

Tube and close up of your choice
I am using the fantastic work of Alehandra Vanhek
You need a license to use. You can buy here
Font of choice
I used July Seven regular  Font free Here
Scrap July 4 from Dee's Design Depot
you can buy Here

Eye candy 4000 gradient glow
Drop Shadow 2- 2 -35 -5

Let's Start 

Open a new image 851 x 315 pixels

Copy and paste Paper 8 Duplicate and position

to fill all background

merge down and crop

Copy and paste element 17g Position to the right

Duplicate mirror position to the left

copy and paste  spray 4 and 3 and 

position over the background

Copy and paste elements 11-12

Put in the bottom center

duplicate and arrange in the center

check my banner for directions

Merge down this layers and apply a

Gradient glow with eye candy 4000

and this settings:

Copy and paste element 46b resize 50% position in the bottom center
over the leaves

Copy and paste element 22-23 to the left bottom side resize to 60%

copy and paste your tube and position to the right side

Merge all- merge visible

Layers new raster layer
 fill with white
Selections all selections modify  contract by 10 delete selections none.

Layers new raster layer
 fill with red
Selections all selections modify  contract by 4 delete selections none.

Add your copyright and name.


Open a new image 200 x 200
Go to your tag close off the tube, copy merged, paste, resize to 60%, adjust 
how you like,
new raster layer
copy and paste paper 2
 Selections all selections modify contract by 6 delete



This Tutorial was written for those that have a working knowledge of PSP.
Please do not copy it in anyway or claim its as your own.
Any resemblance to any other tut is purely coincidental.
This Tutorial was written on Jun 1th,2018
The tutorial was written and Created by Chiqui

For This Tutorial I used PSP X2


Tube  and close up of your choice

I am using the awesome artwork of Zatla M.
You need a license to use this tube, do not use without a license.

You can find this tube at his  store  HERE

Filter DC Special You can download Here
Gradient silver metallic of your choice

Font of choice
I used Myanmar font  regular free font Here

Drop shadow is usually V-2 H-2 Black, 50, 5, use what you prefer If need it

Let's get started

Open a new image 851 x 310 pixels

White Background



This Tutorial was written for those that have a working knowledge of PSP.
Please do not copy it in anyway or claim its as your own.
Any resemblance to any other tut is purely coincidental.
This Tutorial was written on June 22Th,2018
The tutorial was written and Created by Chiqui

For This Tutorial I used PSP X2

Tube and close up of your choice
I am using the fantastic work of Alehandra Vanhek
You need a license to use. You can buy here
Font of choice
I used July Seven regular  Font free Here
Scrap July 4 from Dee's Design Depot
you can buy Here

Eye candy 4000 gradient glow
Xero- clarity
Drop Shadow 2- 2 -35 -5

Let's Start 

Open a new image 800 x 800 pixels

Copy and paste Frame 5 resize to 85%

Copy and paste frame 4 resize 85%

Image free rotate 15% to the left

Click inside of the frame 5

selections all selections modify expand by 3

Copy and paste paper 8 arrange above of the frame 5

selections invert- delete- Keep selected

Copy and paste a close up of your tube

delete- selections none.

 Change the blend mode to screen

Apply filter - jeans

Default settings

Apply xero- Clarity - default settings

Copy and paste your tube and position in the left side

Copy and paste element 1-6-7 and 11

Resize element 1 to 40% and position at the bottom of your tube

The other  elements don't need to be resize  arrange around 

the bottom tube I duplicate and mirror some of them

Merge down all this elements and duplicate

In the original adjust blur gaussian blur by 20

Change blend mode to dissolve

 Copy and paste elements 6 -7

Resize to 60%

and position in the top corner of the second frame.

Copy and paste element 17f position in the right size of

the frame

Copy and paste element 17g and position in the left side of the


Copy and paste element 50 resize 50%

put in the right bottom corner of the frame.

Copy and paste element 46 and put in the bottom

of your tube.

copy and paste element 35 resize 50%

put over the letters.

Copy and paste element 52 resize 65%

Put in the left side.

Copy and paste spray 4

Arrange to the bottom right under the frames.

at top  copy and paste spray 2

Copy and paste element 3  arrange to the bottom

position in the right side under the frame.

Add other elements of your choice

 Once happy, close off your background if you used one, merge visible Resize first,if need it  then add copyright and name.


Monday, June 25, 2018





This Tutorial was written for those that have a working knowledge of PSP.
Please do not copy it in anyway or claim its as your own.
Any resemblance to any other tut is purely coincidental.
This Tutorial was written on June 25Th,2018
The tutorial was written and Created by Chiqui

For This Tutorial I used PSP X2

Tube and close up of your choice
I am using the fantastic work of Alehandra Vanhek
You need a license to use. You can buy here
Font of choice
I used

Acryle Script font free Here

Texture of your choice I use #1 

 A Blend landscape image of your choice I used one I found on pinterest here

Mura Meister
 Xero-  Bad dream
cybia screenworks - pin hole
Drop Shadow 2- 2 -35 -5

Let's Start 

Open an image 851 x 315 pixels.


Choose 2 colors from your tube 

light color for your foreground

dark color for your background

Create a gradient with this linnear settings:


Adjust blur Gaussian blur by 20

Effects Mura meister clouds with this settings

See I deselect the background color

Now apply Mura meister Tone with this settings:

Apply Mura meister perspective tiling with this settings:

Change blend mode to overlay

Selections all
layer new raster layer

Copy and paste your texture Into selections and change blend mode to overlay too
apply cybia screen works - pin hole default settings

Copy and paste your blend landscape image.

Copy and paste your close up and position to the right side
change blend mode to screen or some blend  to fit with your background

Copy and paste your tube and duplicate twice.

In the original raster -  adjust blur - Gaussian blur 20
Change blend mode to dissolve

In the top raster  Adjust blur gaussian blur by 10
Change blend mode to overlay

Merge visible
Apply xero  bad dreams with this settings

Layer new raster layer
fill with a color of your choice
selections all - selections modify contract by 10
selections none.

Crop your banner to be sure no stray shadows are on the edges of your tag.
Once happy with it all, close off any backgrounds, merge visible. then add your copyrights and name.


Open a new image 200 x 200
Go to your tag close off the tube, copy merged, paste, resize to 60%, adjust 
how you like,
new raster layer
copy and paste paper 2
 Selections all selections modify contract by 6 delete