Monday, June 11, 2018




This Tutorial was written for those that have a working knowledge of PSP.
Please do not copy it in anyway or claim its as your own.
Any resemblance to any other tut is purely coincidental.
This Tutorial was written on June 9th,2018
The tutorial was written and Created by Chiqui
For This Tutorial I used PSP X2
Tube of your choice
I am using the awesome artwork of  PIN UP TOONS
You need a license to use this tube, do not use without a license.
You can find this tube   HERE
Font of choice
I used MTF cupcake Font free  Here
TK Sugar Shoppe - FTU Scrap  You can get
She has  fabulous free kits 
Check out the rest of her  blog Here

Ding bat font MTF Sweet Dings (free) here

Melissaz Creationz Mask 14  HERE
 Drop shadow is usually V-2 H-2 Black, 50, 5, use what you prefer If need it
Let's get started

Open a New raster layer 800 x 800 pix.
Choose a color for your background/ Foreground Null
With your text tool with this settings:

Draw your cupcake
Mine is Letter C
Keep as a vector
Close the eye in the copy raster and
click in the raster 1
Layers - convert raster layer.
Selections all- selections float selections defloat
selections modify expand by 4
fill this with the same color 
Now close the eye in this raster and click in the
copy open the eye.
Click in the sign + 
in the sublayer right-click and go to properties:
then apply this settings with a color that constrast darker or lighter than the original color.
Change the line style to diamonds

Close the sign +
Convert to raster layer
Go to effects - edge effects - Find Horizontal 
Add a drop shadow  2-2-35-5
Merge - merge visible

with ypur magic wand click inside of the top of your cupcake
Selections modify expand by 3

Open the paper 3 and copy and paste as a new layer
put this layer under the cupcake
Selections invert - delete
Now click in the top layer
Copy and paste your tube and position where you like
remove all part of the tube you  don't want to show.
Selections - none
click in your cupcake 
with your magic wand select the botom part of your cupcake
selections modify expand by 3
Open the paper 4 copy and paste as a new layer
Selections invert
Effects edge effects - enhance
Put this layer down the cupcake.

Copy and paste elements 6-7 resize 50% Paste to the right size
Duplicate the #6 - mirror
check my tag for position.
Merge down this 3 elements
in the original layer
Adjust blur Gaussian blur by 10
Apply drop shadow to the copy.
 Copy and paste element 13 resize 50%
Copy and paste element 24 (60%) and other ribbons 33-33b-33c
Copy and paste elements 27 and 27a
Element 27 - mirror and get down of the cupcake in the left side.
Element 27a  Effects edge effects enhance and position in the right side.

copy and paste element 28  move down the cupcake too.

Resized element 2-3 -4 to 40% copy and paste and position in the bottom center of the cupcake
copy  and paste word art 1 resize to 60%
Copy and paste element 1 position to the left behind the word art
Copy and paste element 9 and put behind element 1
 Copy and paste elements 5a - 5b resize 40% put behind the word art right side

 Click in your bottom layer

Copy and Paste paper 2,  apply your mask, delete and merge group.

Add any other elements you would like.
Crop your tag to be sure no stray shadows are on the edges of your tag.
Once happy with it all, close off any backgrounds, merge visible. Resize first, then add your copyrights and name.
For the name:

Write your name foreground pink background white
Selections all- selections float -defloat
selections modify expand by 1
layer new raster layer
fill with white
put down from the name
selections modify expand by 1
layer new raster layer fill with pink
put down from the white layer
merge down the 3 raster
drops shadow.
That's it
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut.

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