Thursday, July 12, 2018





This Tutorial was written for those that have a working knowledge of PSP.
Please do not copy it in anyway or claim its as your own.
Any resemblance to any other tut is purely coincidental.
This Tutorial was written on July 12Th,2018
The tutorial was written and Created by Chiqui

For This Tutorial I used PSP X2

Close up of your choice
I am using the fantastic work of Alex Prihodko
You need a license to use. You can buy here
Font of choice
I used

Candle Mustard font free Here

Word Art of your choice
I used one of Redneck tuts here
Texture of your choice 
I use Texture summer 01 by alistere here 
or other of your choice
My selections you can download here
and copy in your selections file in my documents- My psp files

Plugins L&K Katharina
Simple - Pizza slice mirror
Photo sffects - scanlines
Drop Shadow 2- 2 -35 -5

Let's Start 

Open an image 851 x 315 pixels.

  Choose 2 colors from your tube 

Dark color for your foreground

light color for your background

Create a gradient with this linear settings:

Flood fill your raster layer with this gradient.
In your original layer  apply  effects- distortion effect - wave with this settings:

Now go to your tube and copy

Back to your duplicate background selections all
Edit- selections - paste into selections.
Selections none

Effects- Image Effects- Seamless Tiling.
 use the default setting
Adjust blur - Gaussian blur by 50
 You should have something like this:
 Apply  effects  simple  - pizza slice mirror

Apply Effect- Plugins L&K Katharina with this settings:

Apply  2 times more

with your selection tool - custom tool apply this settings:


Load my selections
Promote this selections to layer
fill with your gradient
Change the blend mode to luminance

Selections all - layers new raster
copy and paste INTO SELECTIONS your texture
Change blend mode to overlay or other to fit better with your

Copy and paste your tube and position where you like it.
Duplicate - adjust blur Gaussian blur  by 10
Change blend mode to soft light or overlay some to fit with your

Copy and paste your word art
Position where you like.  

Selections all selections float- selections defloat
 apply a inner bevel with this settings:

 Keep selected go to photoeffex - scanline with this settings:

Apply again the inner bevel
Selections modify expand by 1
layers new raster layer
Put this layer under the word art
fill with white
Selections none
Click in the top text and merge down
Apply a drop shadow
Apply the inner bevel again
(This is the way I use in the word art)

 Select All... Image... Add Borders...
Add a symetric border of 4 pixels (any color)
Selections... Invert...
Effects... 3D Effects... Cutout...
Horizontal and Vertical = 0, Opacity = 100, Blur = 25
Select None 

Change to gradient to repeat 3 same angle
Select All then go to Image... Add Borders...
Add a symetrical border of 30 pixels (any colour)
Go to Selections... Invert...
Add a new layer and flood fill the selection with gradient
Select None
Go to Image Rotate Right  all layers

Go to Effects Plugins L&K Katharina Size = 15, Shift = 0

Go to Image Rotate Left. all layers
Repeat the L&K Katherina plugin using the same settings

Go to Image Mirror
 Go to Effects Plugins Simple Top Left Mirror
 Merge All

go to image resize all layers checked with this settings:

Add your copyright and name.


Open a new image 200 x 200
Go to your tag close off the tube, copy merged, paste, resize to 60%, adjust 
how you like,
new raster layer
fill with your gradient
selections all selections modify contract by 6 delete
Merge all
add copyright 

And it's done!

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