Tuesday, June 19, 2018



This Tutorial was written for those that have a working knowledge of PSP.
Please do not copy it in anyway or claim its as your own.
Any resemblance to any other tut is purely coincidental.
This Tutorial was written on June 17Th,2018
The tutorial was written and Created by Chiqui

For This Tutorial I used PSP X2

Tube and close up of your choice
I am using the fantastic work of Zatla M.
You need a license to use. You can buy here
Font of choice
I used Quiska  Font free Here
Preset shape of your choice
FTU Black and gold kit from Dreamworld Here

Mask of your choice 
Cybia Screen works

Drop Shadow 2- 2 -35 -5

Let's Start 

Open a new image 1000x 1000 (we can resize when finish), paste paper 14, , apply your mask,
delete, merge group.

Copy and paste  frame 1  image free rotate 15 grades to the left

 click inside with your magic wand, expand by 5,
Copy and paste  paper 14 below the frame

invert, delete.

Paste your close up tube below the frame,

Duplicate the close up.  adjust blur Gaussian blur by 10

Change blend mode to screen

Apply cybia screen words  - Fine rules Twice

erase the part below the frame on both tubes. 
Copy and paste element 63 below the frame.

copy and paste element 60 resize 50% put in the top left of the frame.

Apply drop shadow 

Copy and paste element 58 put in the right side of the frame

Copy and paste your tube and position in the right side

Copy and paste element 49 resize 60% put in the left side.

Copy and paste element 47 put in the right side below your tube.

Copy and paste elements 45 and 46 put in left-right side above the tube.

Copy and paste element 41 put in the left side duplicate - mirror.

Merge down - duplicate

In the original - adjust blur Gaussian Blur by 10

Copy and paste element 38 resize 60% put in the  bottom center

Copy and paste element 35 resize 60% put above the frame to the left side

Copy and paste elements 32 -36  resize to 40% put in the bottom center 

Duplicate element 32 image mirror

merge down this 3 elements

Duplicate - adjust - blur Gaussian blur by 10

Copy and paste element 56 resize 40% put below this  layer

Copy and paste elment 25 resize 50% put in the bottom to the right side.

Copy and paste element 19 resize 50% put in the left bottom  above to the frame

Copy and paste element 14 resize 50% put in the left side to the bottom

Copy element 9 resize 40% put behind element 14

Copy and paste element 8 resize 50% or less and position in the bottom

erase the parts showing in front.

Copy and paste element 6 resize 50% and put in front to the bottom

Copy and paste element 3 and put in the left side of the frame.


Add any other elements that you would like, make it your own.
Once happy with your tag, close off any background, crop your tag to make
sure there are no stray edges, merge visible, resize if need it
Add your name and copyright.

That's it
Hope you enjoyed doing my tut.


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